2013年7月6日 星期六

英文慣用語10句第六集(English Idioms Episode 6) 7-7-2013日



英文慣用語10句第六集(English Idioms Episode 6)

1. scholar學者 & intellectual知識份子 & highbrow高學識知識分子 & egghead懷有優越感的知識份子

1. She's no scholar.她這人沒有文化。

2. A genuine scholar does not make a parade of his knowledge.

3. All his life, the scholar attempted to render science fathomable to

   the public.
4. There's a fat chance that her highbrow friends are into astrology.


   Fat chance是指毫無機會或不可能的事。

5. They only attend highbrow events such as the ballet or the opera.


6. One who is somewhat cultured, one who is neither highbrow nor



7. Charles can't order lunch without using an algebraic formula what

   an egghead! 查爾斯非得要使用代數公式才能點午餐真是個蛋頭學者


8. The eggheads at the university know nothing about business.


9. I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into

a real egghead. He'd rather read a book on physics than see a movie or a good football game on TV."



10. I'm sure our nation's eggheads will get us out of this catch-22.



一九六一年出版的美國作家約瑟夫.海勒(Joseph Heller,1923-1999)所著作以二次大戰為背景的長篇小說《第二十二條軍規》(Catch-22)上市後狂賣不已,不但頓成經典,一九七一年起,「Catch-22」一字甚至被收入英文字典裡,至今隨時可查找,意為:「怎麼作都錯,不可能解決的困境」。
egghead的本意絕對不是像中文的蛋頭有負面的涵義,遺憾的是,有些英翻中辭典還是將 egghead 翻成有負面涵義的蛋頭。

其實在美國就有近60家的連鎖餐廳名稱為Egghead Restaurants,因為認為 egghead 是個很口語化(colloquial)的方式來形容高智力的人,因此選用 Egghead當作聯鎖店的名稱,來吸引高智力、善於運用大腦的消費群眾。

1. egghead(懷有優越感的知識份子)為名的連鎖餐廳

2. leading brand領導品牌/world-class世界一流/a long standing name老字號/ahead of the packahead of his time遙遙領先、超前。

1. At the very mention of the world's top brews, Taiwan Beer comes to mind right off the bat.


right off the bat 是來自於棒球慣用語,意思是「剛好在揮棒之後」,因此 right off the bat 也變成了馬上、立刻的口語說法。

2. This beer's flavor is head and shoulders above the rest.


3. The 20 Leading Brands in the 2009 Top Taiwan Global Brands.

4. If you are ahead of the pack, you have made more progress than

   our rivals.

5. If you learn to say no to that fancy stereo, ski trip or new set of duds,you'll be ahead of the pack.

7. There was one big reason Jeff pulled ahead of the pack: He always knew he’d be rich.

8. He was a brilliant man but he was ahead of his time and his theories were rejected by his contemporaries.


3. Golden opportunitychance in a lifetimeOnce in a blue moon千載難逢的機會。

gold是金子;而golden是金質的、金色的或特別美好的,例如:golden opportunity(絕佳機會)、golden beach(黃金海岸)、golden hair(金髮)、golden crown(金質的皇冠)。

1. Jack enjoys casual wears. You find him wearing a tie once in a blue

2. He is very busy. We can see him once in a blue moon.

3. Spring Break is a golden opportunity for students to relax.


4. You have a golden opportunity to travel and learn.

5. It was a golden opportunity to rub shoulders with the rich and


6. The conference was a golden opportunity for our company to

   promote our products.

7. They suspect NicolasSarkozy is using a golden opportunity to bask in the reflected glory of a charismatic hero, whose ideas are being feted by the mainstream half a century after he died in a car crash.


4. heap/ pour scorns on somebody/something嘲笑,挖苦;對嗤之以鼻。

If you pour scorn on someone or something or heap scorn on them, you say that you think they are stupid and worthless.

1. Critics of the President have been pouring scorn on the plan ever since it was first proposed.


2. She poured scorn on the suggestion that he might never return.


3. He poured scorn on my suggestion. 他對我的建議表示輕蔑。

4. She poured scorn on my ideas. 她對我的觀點不屑一顧。

5. Why do you always pour scorn on my suggestions?


6. Privately, many Chinese pour scorn on the Kim dynasty.


7. He heaped scorn on painting and sculpture which he described as pointless pastimes. 他嘲笑繪畫和雕塑,形容它們為無意義的消遣。

8. French intellectuals have heaped scorn on a proposal by Nicolas Sarkozy to bestow the country’s greatest posthumous honour upon the writer Albert Camus, accusing the rightwing president of trying to cash in on the thinker’s popularity with little respect for his politics or personality.
薩科茲總統打算向法國作家卡繆(Albert Camus)獻上法國最偉大的死後殊榮,法國知識份子卻紛紛對此表達輕蔑不屑,並指控這位右翼總統只是企圖自這位備受尊敬的法國思想家身上謀利,絲毫不尊重卡繆的政治見解或個性。

9. He used to heap scorn on Dr Vazquez's socialist ideas.

圖2. pour scorns on somebody/something嘲笑,挖苦;對嗤之以鼻。

5. Live it upcut loose儘情享受、毫無節制的作樂。

living it up相反詞是 cool it (平靜下來;保持鎮定)

1. I'll be living it up when I take my vacation.


2. She really cut loose once the band began to play.


3. Let's cool it until the party kicks off.


4. John and mary saved up money for two years so that they could travel to europe and live it up.
約翰和瑪莉存了兩年的錢,這樣一來他們就  能到歐洲旅行以及逍遙自在了。

5. He carefully cultivated the image of the outsider . he avoided the restaurants where politicians lived it up and cut their backroom deals.

6. Now you have been left some money you can afford to live it up a bit .

7. We are seniors, we are supposed to live it up.

8. Once or twice a month we live it up.

9. They have been living it up every since they won their lawsuit.

10. Jason was the richest man around. He had plenty of money to spend , so he lived it up.

11. We certainly had little chance of living it up on our daily telegraph expense accounts.

6. hand overturn over移交。

hand over的相反詞是 hang on to 握住不放;設法保住

1. It's about time the king handed over his throne.


2. Just say the word, and I’ll turn over my report to you.


3. Everything’s coming up roses because she hung on to her beliefs.


4. Hand over ten bucks and leave.


5. Hand over ten bucks. Otherwise, I will kick your butt.

   交出十塊錢來, 不然我就扁你一頓.

6. My father decided to hand over the company to the young man.


7. It seems a sure-fire way to lose cash hand over fist.


8. Trade Unions are recruiting hand over fist.


9. The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand

   over her wallet.老婦人拒絕交出她的錢包,結果被劫匪打倒在地。

10. Pass one's hand over one's fac.e用手摸摸臉。

11. He placed it over his face and said: All right. Hand it over


3. hand overturn over移交。

7. spanking newbrand new煥然一新

相反詞是 have had it:失效了或受夠了

1. Whoever lives in that spanking new mansion must be filthy rich.


filthy rich是極度的富有,因為filthy有卑鄙;可恥的涵義,因此filthy rich是一種幽默的表達方式來形容有錢到了卑鄙可恥的程度。

2. Her brand new hairdo made a splash at the office.


make a splash就是引起他人注意、轟動一時。

3. The computer that crashes day in and day out has had it this time.


day in, day out 是日復一日、持續不斷。

4. Look at that brand spanking new car! 瞧,那輛嶄新的汽車!

5. Thursday, I drove out a spanking new span.


6. Last night I spilled a whole coffee on my brand spanking new pants.


7. A coat of enamel paint will give your bath a spanking new look.

8. School starts soon, and many people are getting spanking-new computers.

8. puke嘔吐/Juke用假動作誘使/juke out假動作誘使對方離開他固守的位置。

throw up

throw upvomit也是嘔吐的意思。

另外兩個同義詞是barfupchuck,均為俚語(slang),一般字典並未收錄,但可在網上查得到。兩個字均用作及物和不及物動詞,用法跟puke差不多。最後,嘔吐出來的東西,外形和氣味當然難看難聞。口頭語常用形容詞yucky來表示Your puke is yucky

1. The man puked on the living room carpet.


2. You are the one who puked right after you got out.

3. Your puke tastes like the food you just ate.


4. Their behavior makes me puke.他們的行為令我作嘔。

5. I threw up last night's dinner.我把昨晚吃的飯都吐了出來。

我們常用的vomitpuke同義,用法也相似,既可作動詞,也可作名詞。不過,puke是口語,vomit則用於書面為多,是較正式的字,很少用作口頭語。倘若你跟朋友口頭說I didn't feel well and I have just vomited.



1. The stink of vomit reached me instantly.

2. The unpleasant smell made her sick and she began to vomit.
3. The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.
4. Too much beer makes me vomit.

5. The dog returns to his vomit.


4. puke嘔吐。


juke用假動作誘使對方球員離位所以juke out也就是假動作誘使對方離開他固守的位置。

1. The Los Angeles Lakers' Kobe Bryant, left, jukes out the Indiana Pacers' Fred Jones before scoring during the first half of their NBA game on Monday in Los Angeles.

Juke out means to move very fast in such a way that you can get past someone.

2. A roadside or rural establishment offering liquor, dancing, and often gambling and prostitution. Also called juke house, juke joint.

3. To dance, especially in a juke or to the music of a jukebox.

juking =假動作。

Juke Box:自動唱片點唱機。

Juke box located in the center of the bar near the side entrance.

5. 1942年發行的黑白犯罪電影牢獄鴛鴦,原來的英文名稱即是juke girl

6. 1942年發行的黑白犯罪電影牢獄鴛鴦男女主角劇照。

9. Have a lookcheck out看一看

相反詞是 uninterested不關心的、沒興趣的。

1. Hold your horsesI'd like to have a look at the product before I pay.


hold your horses是把你的馬匹控制好也就是不要急

2. Let's go check out the new Irish pub. The first drink's on me.


3. WhatShe's uninterested in the shoe saleShe must be off her

   rockers. 什麼?她對那場鞋子拍賣會不感興趣? 那她肯定是瘋了!

off her rocker off one's rocker 是一種風趣的方式來表達瘋了,因為rocker是搖椅、搖籃,因此 off her rocker off one's rocker 就是指一個人從搖椅、搖籃上摔了下來,而引申為一個人失去了他衡量是非善惡的判斷力,所以是瘋了的意思。

have a look 的例句:

1. If you want, next Sunday morning we can go for a walk and have a look to all the shops along the street of the city centre.


2. Please distribute these pamphlets among you and have a look to page 3.  請把這些小冊子分發下去,看一下第3頁。

3. Have a look to this fashion magazine. The punk style is back!


4. Would you like to have a look? 你想看一眼嗎?

5. The house is very nice and bright, you should have a look.


check out的例句:

1. It was increasingly obvious her alibi didn't check out.


2. Tim went to backyard to check out what kind of barbecue they were using. 提姆來到後院核實一下他們在用哪種形式的燒烤架。

3. The pilot ran through the check-out procedure.


4. Yes, it has these extras, but if that's your main interest, check out digital video cameras instead.


5. Mitsubishi Electric's electronic ' eyes ' will watch over pets, check out the delivery boy and spot burglars while you are out.


Check this outlisten to this的意思與check it out = take a look Georcery store 的宣傳語上也常見 Check it out!,在這裏Check it out! 想說的是,嘿,把我結帳帶回家吧!相同另外在結帳時發現你有項東西不想要了就可以說Check it off.

1. Hey, Laura, you should check this out! 就是請人家過來看看.

2. I had our chemists check it out . 我讓我們的藥劑師查過此事。

3. Hey , check it out ! i wonder what this does


4. Check this out!Check it out! I just now got a call asking about the TV ad I put in the newspapers.

A: 告訴你 ! 我剛剛接到一通詢問有關我放在報紙上的那個電視機機出讓廣告。

B: You mean somebody's actually interested in that old TV?

B: 你是說, 真的有人對那部舊電視有興趣啊!

Check it out/Check this out是常用的口語。當你要告訴別人一件事, 或要對方看一個東西的時候, 就可以用這話來引起他的注意。

6. 威爾剛(Vigara)的標價在2號櫃台。

10. get back in shapeget well恢復健康。

in shape是處於最佳的狀態,因此get back in shape就是回到原有或最佳的狀態,所以就是恢復健康。

1. After putting off his busy schedule, he’s finally back in shape.


put off 意思是延後、遲緩。

祝福生病的人早日康復的卡片就是叫作get well card

2. Thanks for egging me on to get well. 謝謝你鼓勵我要早日康復。

egg on是鼓勵、激勵。

get back in shape的例句:

3. But she has not been in good shape recently. I hope she can get back in shape soon.


4. He said: "I have been working hard to get back in shape and anything that happens from now until the end of the season is a big bonus for me."


5. By Tuesday the groceries were running low and Richard needed a part for the corn picker he was getting back in shape.


7. get back in shapeget well恢復健康。


