2013年7月18日 星期四

英文慣用語第十四集歸納「高興」的慣用語篇(English Convention Episode 14) 7-19-2013 五




英文慣用語第十四集歸納「高興」的慣用語篇(English Convention Episode 14)


─摘自《英漢成語異同比較》作者 肖芬(Xiao Fen)老師,中國,中南財經政法大學外語學院副教授。


Content of English Convention Episode 14(11 Items )
Cheer up/To laugh up one's sleeve/ Just for laughs/A horse laugh/The last laugh/Laugh out of the other side of (one's) mouth. /Laugh on the other side of one's face/Walk on air/On cloud nine/On the top of the world/Be on fire.

01. Cheer up使高興起來,使振作起來

02. To laugh up one's sleeve偷笑

03. Just for laughs做某件事純粹為了高興 or做了一些愚蠢的事

04. A horse laugh不信任的嘲笑

05. The last laugh最後成功的笑

06. Laugh out of the other side of (one's) mouth. 轉喜為憂

07. Laugh on the other side of one's face. 轉喜為憂

08. Walk on air非常高興,快樂的飄飄欲仙

09. On cloud nine狂喜,極樂

10. On the top of the world狂喜,極樂

11. Be on fire在興頭上

01. Cheer up使高興起來,使振作起來

cheer up的例句:

01. I think he misses her terribly. You might cheer him up.


02. I wrote that song just to cheer myself up.


03. Cheer up, better times may be ahead.打起精神來,好日子也許還在前頭。

04. Cheer up! It can't be as bad as all that. 振作起來!情況不會那麼糟。

05. cheer up, old man," whispered his companion. "We'll go around, anyhow.振作一點老傢伙,"他的朋友對著他的耳朵低聲說,"不管怎麼樣,我們都要去一趟那裡。

06. Cheer up, he said, as she tied the bonnet strings.


07. Cheer up, Becky, and let's go on trying."


08. A great cheer went up from the crowd.觀眾爆發出一陣熱烈的歡呼聲。

09. When you cheer up or when something cheers you up, you stop feeling depressed and become more cheerful.

10. Try and cheer up a bit; life isn't that bad!


11. Come along, now, cheer up he will be all right.


12. Eat this and cheer up! 吃點這個吧,振作起來!

13. Asuka you must cheer up! Asuka,你得振作起來呀!

14. The one sure-fire way to cheer up a chipmunk!


15. I'm not gonna cheer up for you. 我不會因為你而振奮起來的。

1. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.~馬克吐溫

16. I want to cheer up! But how? 我想高興起來!但是要怎麼做到呢?

17. Cheer up! It can't be as bad as all that.

    振作起來! 情況不會那麼糟。

18. Mrs. Gummidge did not appear to be able to cheer up.


19. Cheer up, I'm only trying to make you jealous.

    別不高興, 我只不過想引起你吃醋。

20. Cheer up! Victory is just round the corner. 加油! 勝利就在眼前。

21. Cheer up It'll all come right in the end. 想開些,到頭來總會好的。

22. Cheer up! The news isn't too bad.

    振作起來吧! 消息還不算太壞。

23. Cheer up The worst hasn't happened yet.

    別灰心, 最壞的事還未發生。

24. Now, now, cheer up and forget about it.

    好啦, 好啦, 振作起來,別再想它了。

25. Cheer up! Our troubles will soon be over.

    振作起來! 我們的困難很快就會過去。

26. Cheer up. Don't be such a sourpuss.

    快樂一點吧. 不要成天繃著個臉。

27. What are you so gloomy about? Cheer up

    你為什麽情緒這麽低落? 振作起來吧!

28. I hate it when it rains Cheer upIt will be sunny tomorrow.

    我討厭下雨天. 高興一點,明天天氣就會放晴了。

29. Cheer up! Try to be better next time.

    別灰心! 想辦法下次做得更好。

30. Cheer up, remain my true, my only treasure, my all as I am yours.

    高興起來吧, 繼續做我真誠的摯愛、我惟一的珍愛、我是屬於你的。

31. She was in a miserable mood and all my attempts to cheer her up fell flat. 她心境很壞,我想使她高興的一切努力都徹底失敗了。

32. Orange and yellow can make me confident and cheer me up when am feeling sad. 橙色和黃色可以使我有信心和歡呼時,我感覺我很傷心。

33. Flowers always cheer a room up. 鮮花總是使房間充滿生機。

34. Here are some roses to cheer you up. 願這些玫瑰花能使您精神愉快。

35. Many people use yellow in kitchens and bathrooms to cheer themselves up. 許多人用黃色裝飾廚房和衛生間,使人感到愉悅。

02. to laugh up one's sleeve偷笑

laughing up our sleeves的例句:

01. We were all laughing up our sleeves at the teacher when he was up at the blackboard explaining the math problem. He had a rip in the back of his pants and didn't know it.


02. We were all laughing up our sleeves at our brother when he sat down at the dinner table. He'd seen his girl off at the airport and had lipstick on his face and didn't know it.


03. She must have been laughing up her sleeve all the time.

04. If you laugh up your sleeve, you laugh at someone secretly.

05. He was laughing in his sleeve when Joe answered the phone because he knew the call would be a joke.

06. She must have been laughing up her sleeve all the time.


    his sleeve. 雖然他裝作同情,但我知道他心裡暗暗地高興。

08. She knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.


03. just for laughs做某件事純粹為了高興 or做了一些愚蠢的事。

just for laughs.的例句:

01. Come on and get your jacket let's go out and have a couple of beers

   just for laughs.


02. Just for laughs, they tossed Mary in the swimming pool with all her clothes on. Then they found out she didn't know how to swim.


03. The researchers next plan to study hyenas in the wild. Just for

   laughs. 下個階段研究人員準備研究野外的鬣狗,就是為了聽它們

04. What's the fuss? It's just for laughs baby. Lighten up!

   你在幹什麽呀?這只是搞笑而已,小姐. 放輕鬆點嘛!

04. a horse laugh不信任的嘲笑

a horse laugh 的例句

01. When this guy running for Congress told us how much money he'd save us taxpayers, we all gave him the horse laugh. We knew when he was in the state legislature he always voted for higher taxes.


02. Harry thinks he's God's gift to women, that none of them can resist his charm. So we all gave him the horse laugh when he asked the new girl in class to go to a movie and she told him to get lost.


03. At the end of the joke she gave a horse laugh that could be heard a street away. 在那個笑話結束時,她發出一陣狂笑,一條街外都可聽到。

04. He came out with a horse laugh that caused some eyebrows to raise. 他出來譏諷了一番,使得好些人直皺眉頭。

05. It is enough to make a horse laugh. 及其可笑。

06. Don ' t give your kids horse laugh as they are doing something strange. 當你的孩子在做一些奇怪的事情的時候,不要給他們不信任的嘲笑。

05. the last laugh最後成功的笑。
the last laugh

01. I used to laugh at my roommate in college he'd stay in and study on weekends while I went out for a good time. But I guess he has the last laugh on me. He's a famous brain surgeon and me, I'm selling used cars and barely make enough to live on.


02. Bogus(虛假)way of life but life get the last laugh no chance to glance and dance.
03. The last laugh , Karl Hoffmann , Walter Rhrig and Hermann Warm . their films penetrated deeply into the psychic world of his main characters , recorded brave experimentation on light movements.
   Karl Hoffmann

04. But one can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial ? his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many

05. Other schools laughed at us when our little team entered the state championship , but we got the last laugh when we won it

06. Everyone thought I was stupid , but I got the last laugh when I was accepted to Harvard.


07. We went the long way round and they took a short cut , but we had the last laugh because they got lose.

08. For Becks this is a new challenge and a new chapter. For anybody that doubts him , I predict Becks will probably have the last laugh.

09. You have the last laugh. Congratulations on your success.

10. Edison had the last laugh eventually. Never give up on yourself.

11. They may think they have won now , but we'll see who has the last

    laugh. 他們現在以為自己已經贏了,我倒要看看究竟是誰笑到最後。
12. The boys thought they had tricked the girls by locking them in the kitchen. But the girls had the last laugh when the boys got hungry and realized they couldn't get into the kitchen for food.


06. Laugh out of the other side of (one's) mouth./07. Laugh on the other side of one's face. 均為轉喜為憂的意思。

 laugh on the other side of your face & laugh out of the other side of (one's) mouth.的例句:

01. I have got some news here that will make you laugh on the other side of your face! 我這兒有些會使你轉喜為憂的消息。

02. You'll be laughing on the other side of your face after I make a phone call. 你等一下就笑不出來了, 在我打完電話之後。

03. When they get through with him, he’ll be laughing out of the other side of his face.等他們同他把話說完,他就會轉喜為悲的。

04. He laughed on the wrong side of his face in pain.他在痛苦中呻吟。

05. My opponent finally laughed on the other side of his face in the election.我的對手終於在競選中被擊敗了。

06. Bill thought he got a real bargain because the car was half the normal price. Now he's laughing out of the other side of his mouth. The police came to tell him the car was stolen. So he loses both the car and the money.


07. I have got some news here that will make you laugh on the other side of your face! 我這兒有些會使你轉喜為憂的消息。

09. He'll laugh on the other side of his face when he finds out that it was his car that was bumped.當發現是自己的汽車被撞時,他就會變喜為悲了。

08. Enough to make a cat laugh使人笑掉大牙,極其可笑/09. Laugh and grow fat心寬體胖。

01. To see Tom trying bicycling is enough to make a cat laugh.


02. When he slipped on a banana skin it was enough to make a cat laugh. 他踩在香蕉皮上滑倒時的樣子非常滑稽。

03. There is a West African saying: Laugh and grow fat.


04. Laugh and grow fat. 笑囗開,身體胖。

05. Because psychological pressure is little, the likelihood is meet very naturally laugh and grow fat.



1. 開玩笑;逗趣 If you do something for a laugh or for laughs, you do it as a joke or for fun.

01. They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates.


02. It's a project she's doing for laughs. 這個項目是她圖好玩兒才做的。

2. 引人發笑;逗笑 If a person or their comment gets a laugh or raises a laugh, they make the people listening to them laugh.

01. If you can get a laugh by wearing a silly hat, you must have been born a comic.


02. The joke got a big laugh, which encouraged me to continue.


3. 好玩/ 開心/有點意思 If you describe a situation as a laugh ,a good laugh, or a bit of a laugh, you think that it is fun and do not take it too seriously.

01. Working there's great. It's quite a good laugh actually...


02. It was a good laugh there! 那兒可真是好玩!

4. 開心果;逗笑好玩的人 If you describe someone as a laugh or a good laugh, you like them because they are amusing and fun to be with.

01. Mickey was a good laugh and great to have in the dressing room.


5. 覺得可笑,對一笑置之 If you have a good laugh about something, you find it amusing and realize that it is funny, especially when the situation was at first upsetting.

01. We've both had a good laugh about the accident despite what's happened. 雖然出了意外,但我倆事後都一笑置之。

02. If you say that you have the last laugh, you mean that you become successful at something so that people who criticize or oppose you look foolish.

03. Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.

    Des O'Connor預計會飆升至聖誕暢銷唱片排行榜的榜首,這將讓他的批評者都笑不出來。

6. 別讓我笑掉大牙了;別逗了 Some people reply to other people's comments or opinions by saying Don't make me laugh when they disagree with them and think they are foolish or inaccurate.

01. Claire, A poisoner ? Don't make me laugh — She was just a lousy cook.


7. (對於困境或令人失望的境況)何妨一笑,還有可笑之處 If you say you've got to laugh or you have to laugh, you are trying to see the amusing side of a difficult or disappointing situation rather than being sad or angry about it.

01. The bikers have shown enough contempt of the law to ride their machines over police cars. You've got to laugh at their audacity, said Mr. Starkey.


8. 笑聲 Laughter is the sound of people laughing, for example because they are amused or happy.

01. Their laughter filled the corridor... 整個走廊都回蕩著他們的笑聲。

02. He delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter.


03. ...hysterical laughter. 歇斯底里的笑聲。

9. 笑;快樂 Laughter is the fact of laughing, or the feeling of fun and amusement that you have when you are laughing.

01. Pantomime is about bringing laughter to thousands...


02. My interests: eating out, fun nights in, music and laughter.


10. walk on air非常高興,雀躍三尺

    very happy and joyful.

     To be very happyto be euphoric.

walk on airon the top of the worldon cloud nine
walk on air的例句:

01. After graduation many students are walking on air.
02. As soon as he learns of his promotion, he walks on air.
03. After her first date with Bob, she seemed to walk on air.

05. Ann was walking on air when she got the job.

06. On the last day of school, all the children are walking on air.
07. The boys are walking on air because their team won the game.


08. He was so happy it was like he was walking on air.


09. Lucy has been walking on air since she won the prize.


10. She was walking on air after she got the job.


11. I am walking on air. 我興奮得飄飄然。

12. Why is Victor walking on air? Victor為什麼興高采烈?

13. After being paid a compliment he felt as if he were walking on air.


14. Joyce has been walking on air since she is going to marry Jim.


15. After their daughter won the competition, the whole family have been walking on air.

    他們的女兒競賽獲獎後, 全家人一直歡天喜地的。

16. Caroline was walking on air when she found out that she had won the scholarship. 得知自己獲得了獎學金, Caroline樂不可支。

on cloud nine欣喜若狂的例句:

01. He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.


02. She has been on cloud nine since the magazine printed the story she wrote. 自從那份雜誌發表了一篇她寫的故事後,她高興得不得了。

03. Kitty was on cloud nine when she heard the good news.


04. She was on cloud nine when she heard the good news.


05. I was on cloud nine when her mother came out of the house with a broom. 正當我飛上了九霄雲外,她媽媽從屋裡拿著掃帚出來。

06. So am I! I feel like I'm on cloud nine!


07. She's been on cloud nine ever since she heard the news.


08. He is on cloud nine when his girlfriend gives him a kiss.


09. He was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.


10. I've finally landed my dream job! I'm on cloud nine.

    我終於找到夢想中的工作了! 真是樂透了。

11. I can't believe it! I feel I'm on cloud nine right now.

    我簡直不敢相信. 我覺得我現在就好像置身在九霄雲端上。

12. Tom was on cloud nine after he learned the good news.


13. Dad bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine.

    爸爸給我買了輛自行車, 我萬分高興。

14. He was on cloud nine after his wife had the baby.


15. Lisa: It's sure is. I've been on cloud nine all day long.

    Lisa:的確是. 我一整天都飄飄然,就像置身在雲端上。

16. Bob has been on cloud nine all this week. Bob一周都十分興奮。

17. We were on cloud nine when our team won the championship.


18. Living on cloud nine is intoxicating and precarious.


19. I am on cloud nine. 我太高興了。

20. The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那對夫婦看上去極其幸福。

21. My brother is coming back from America and the whole family is on cloud nine. 我弟弟要從美國回來了,我們全家都非常高興。

22. I was on cloud nine after I learned that I had just passed the examination.    獲悉我考試及格的消息,我喜出望外。

23. Richard is on cloud nine because he's just graduated from Harvard with cum laude. Richard狂喜萬分,因為他剛以優異成績畢業於哈佛大學。

24. Daphne was on cloud nine for days after Chip asked her to the prom. Chip邀請Daphne參加學校班級舞會,她高興了好幾天。

25. But whenever she saw him, all the troubles have left the Cloud Nine.    可是每當她見到他, 所有的煩惱都拋的九霄雲外。

26. Yuan proud suddenly thrown a cloud nine look seriously listen to the teacher's teaching.


2. on cloud nine欣喜若狂。

on the top of the world非常得意、非常高興的例句:

01. I felt I was on top of the world. 我感覺到站在世界之顛。

02. I am on top of the world. 我高興到了極點。

03. Sitting on top of the world. 自鳴得意。

04. On top of the world. 稱心如意。

05. Nobody could feel more on top of the world right now!


06. Remember a time when you felt absolutely on top of the world?


07. From here, Dwight Howard was literally on top of the world.

    從這裡看, Dwight Howard正逐漸向著世界之巔攀登。

08. Who will let China stand on top of the world?


09. Now actually, I was on top of the world.實際現在我已經非常的快樂。

10. I am on top of the world, thanks. 我現在幸福極了, 謝謝。

11. Congratulations! So you on top of the world.


12. At present everything is going smoothly and I feel on top of the world. 近來一切如意,我非常高興。

13. When we're happy, we feel on top of the world and ready to take on anything.

    當我們感到快樂時, 會覺得自己站在世界之巔,並且樂意接納一切事物。

14. The sea and the warn sun made me feel on top of the world.


15. We promise our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world.


16. Vivian: I've just got back from the doctor's and I feel on top of the world. Vivian:我剛從醫務所回來,覺得神采飛揚。

17. After so many years of hard work I felt on top of the world.


18. My husband stays on top of the news in the world by reading newspapers and magazines. 我丈夫讀報紙和雜誌,知道世界上一切新聞。

19. If it is true , then I think optics in China will soon on top of the world!


20. I feel on top of the world. Everything's going well for me this week.

    我真是高興極了! 我這個星期每件事都很順利。

21. I am on top of the world when I know the result of the examination.


22. When the good news arrived, the family was on top of the world.

    喜訊傳來, 全家興高采烈。

23. She tells me she's on top of the world now for the first time in her life. 她對我說,現在她真是感到非常高興。

24. After he won a big prize, he felt on top of the world.


25. Who would imagine somebody like Lee could even graduate from college confined to a wheel chair! Now he's going to America all by himself. Nobody could feel more on top of the world right now!


26. I really admire Alice. Thirty years of hard work raising kids. Her youngest son just got married and all her children are doing well. She tells me she's on top of the world now for the first time in her life.


3. on the top of the world非常得意、非常高興。


